Monday, April 19, 2010

The first step

Pride, if taken into a good context is self-respect or valuing one’s own achievement, however, now a day it is often used in an arrogant manner. You see, Pride is the reason why men lose the love of their lives. It is the poison that slowly pushes away our loved ones. Sometimes I find it hard to comprehend why we always let pride get in the way of everything, I myself am guilty of letting pride ruin things for me, and I always end up regretting what I’ve done. Well regrets always comes in the end, because we are still left with questions of what things could or may have been, that is where the what if’s and if only in our lives start.

Honestly, ever since pride ruined things for me, I started approaching things in a different way, I took risks and enjoyed life more. Instead of waiting for things to happen, I made things happen. You see in a relationship, it does not matter who ever said sorry first, whoever texted or called first, because no one wins or loses in a relationship because a relationship is not made for one person alone, it is made for two people who are willing to set aside their differences, and understand each other as much as possible. No one said everything is supposed to smooth sailing every now and then, we all encounter bumps on the road, and this are supposed to be challenges that we are supposed to overcome in life.

Sometimes I wonder why we create far too many reasons why we do not pursue something when the only clear fact that I can see is that we are afraid, afraid of the fact that we might fail or be rejected in the end, when the thing is we don’t know yet. We just save ourselves with nonsense reasons but deep inside regrets are already haunting us. You see being afraid is normal but hey! When are you going to move forward and save yourself from the agony of your regrets! I f you love someone then shout it out loud! If you are sorry then tell him! If you failed then accept it, because unless you do something you’ll never grow out of your shell. The first step is always the hardest but in the end, I’d rather look back in my life and tell myself I did everything in my power for the people I cared about than be left with the what if’s and the agony of not being able to move on because of my life’s many unfinished business.

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